PodcasT | Angel Investor: Female CEOs are More Likely to Succeed

Female CEOs do a better job at launching complex products because they are more focused, more persistent, and ready to receive more negative answers, Martin Goroško, lead investor of the ESTBAN business angel network syndicate, expressed his opinion in the "Triniti on Air" program.

Goroško added that although according to Estonian statistics, there are unreasonably few female leaders, they are more likely to succeed. 

This podcast focuses on the start-up sector and talks about trends in the start-up world with companies that have received investment from the Syndicate of Business Angels of EstBAN as part of sTARTUp day. Changes in the labor market, salaries, popular sectors in the eyes of investors, and fundraising trends are discussed.

Martin Goroško, business development manager of the Tehnopol research campus and lead investor of the ESTBAN business angel network syndicate, and Peeter Mõtsküla, attorney at Trinit, are visiting. Also in the studio are two representatives of the company that received investment from the EstBAN syndicate - Olesja Bondarenko, CEO and co-founder of Nanordica Medical, and Heli Valtna, co-founder and CEO of Lightcode Photonics.

The show is hosted by Gregor Alaküla.

Listen to the show in Estonian here.